Sunday, October 28, 2007

My husband just paid $80 dollars for someone to tell him what I told him weeks ago

As I’ve mentioned before my washer is acting up. It has overflowed into the playroom on me twice. After the first repairman could find nothing wrong, I suggested we go ahead a get a new washer anyway because I didn’t trust it. Besides it was the washer that was here when we bought the house and we really need one of those larger capacity washers anyway. This was not a convincing enough argument for my husband. He explained that since he did most of the laundry (…yes – he does most of the laundry …) that he’d rather wait to see if it happens again. I fortunately had the good sense not to put to area rug back down in the playroom. So when it overflowed the second time (once again when I was home alone) I only had to deal with drying up the water off the tile not dragging a large, wet area rugs out to the backyard and throwing them over the swing set like the first time.

My neighbors oh so love that look…. Actually they don’t complain but rather laugh at (with) me for not buying a new washer ….

However, the third time it overflowed I wasn’t home. My hubby was. Add to it that it had been over a week since it had happened the last time so, we had not only put the old area rug back down but had put a second 8 x 11 carpet down to cover the tile in the front part of the playroom for the winter. Oh and did I mention it happened an hour and a half before guests were arriving for my daughter's birthday party. I came back from my son’s music lesson to the sound of the vacuum running, which was odd because I had already run the vacuum for the party. I walked downstairs to find my husband cursing and trying to get as much of the water out of the carpets as he could using the wet vac before trying to move them. Needless to say Hubby suddenly agreed we might need a new washer, but he wanted a second opinion. He had a second repair man come and not only look at the washer but see if he could fix the upper heating element in the oven (I’m not sure how long that’s been out – again another appliance he uses more than I do). Well, I could hug this repair man. He told my husband that not only was it not worth fixing the washer and we should just buy a new one, but we really should just bite the bullet and redo the kitchen as well.

Yippeee!!! I get to update the kitchen!!!!

Now what you need to understand is that we have the original 1957 kitchen from when this house was built (aside from the appliances that were up dated about 15 years ago). We have the original metal cabinets and fake marble looking counter tops. Oh, such a lovely look, but not my style. The linoleum was also replaced some years ago but I’ve never really liked it. You’d think my Chef husband would have wanted to update the kitchen right after we moved in but it was such an improvement over the kitchen in our townhouse that he was happy to let it be. Now he’s all into figuring out the best way to redo the kitchen. His first thought was to go totally professional with stainless steal counter tops and wire shelving. I’ve explained that while very functional a totally stainless steal kitchen would be kind of ugly (in my humble opinion) and the fingerprints of 5 children would be a constant battle. Now the great kitchen design adventure begins…and I get a new washer too!

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