Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Studying makes him forget things

Son #1(now known as The Boy) is a Freshman in high school. In Maryland, students have to take a series of High School Assessments (HSAs) in order to graduate. His Biology and Government HSAs are next week. The Biology teacher e-mailed out a study guide today, which I printed out and gave to The Boy to use to study. You know what The Boy had the nerve to say to me??

"You realize all this studying is not helping, right? I had better grades when I wasn't studying. Everyone says is a known fact that studying too much makes you forget things."

Seriously?????!!!!! Does he really think I'm going to look at him and say 'Really, well since you put it that way and EVERYONE (who is also 14 and whose parents are also chanting "Do not Kill The Boy") says so, just forget about the study guide and go play on the Wii?' Well, I didn't have time to respond because the next words out of his mouth were:

"Yeah, see I had a 2.7 GPA in the beginning of the year and now since you guys have been making me study all the time I have a 2.1."

REALLY?????? A GPA of 2.7 is really supposed to make me feel better??? Is this child daft???!!!!! Has he not been paying attention to what we've been saying since we got his first interim report this year???? Oh wait, with these grades maybe he is.

I don't get it. This is the kid who was an A/B student last year. He took the Algebra HSA in eighth grade and scored in the ninety-third percentile. He took the PSATs early in October and scored in the fifty-fifth percentile of all students who took the test, so, he scored better than half the kids who took the test - most of whom are a year ahead of him in school. The Boy can't fool us - he's smart. He's d$mn smart. He apparently just has no sense.

Needless to say, he is sitting here reviewing the Study guide now - while huffing, puffing, sighing and fidgeting around.

Repeat after me "Must not kill The Boy, Must not kill The Boy, Must not kill The Boy."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

So, what are you buying yourself for Mother's day?

"So, what are you buying yourself for Mother's day?" That was the question my husband asked me after breakfast this morning. You know what's sad? I didn't hesitate and said, "I think a new purse."

Now, don't think my husband is thoughtless, it's just gift buying/shopping is not a big item on his to do list. When he does by presents they are great ones and generally very meaningful. He just doesn't do it often or just because some holiday says he should. He also knows that I will buy myself something I need or had my eye if he hasn't bought a gift. I have been known to come home with a bag and say "You want to see what you just got me for {insert gift giving holiday here}?" I think it's the easiest way to get what I really want for a gift and relieves him of the burden of shopping - something he generally detests. It works out well for us.

So, I spent the afternoon at the mall shopping for a purse. What you need to realize is I am not a clothes, shoes or purse person. I am a very practical person and it's reflected in the clothes and accessories I own or rather don't own. I have only 3 purses (the one I just replaced, which will be given to the girls to use for dress-up in a few minutes, the new one and a black evening bag).

I have a friend at work who has been trying to get me to add some style to my wardrobe. He has explained and I quote, '...while you are not a fashion disaster, your wardrobe is boring." Harsh, but sort of true. Hence, my mission for a new purse, I am trying to add a bit of style. I bought my last purse 3 years ago at Target for $13.95. I decided I should get something a bit nicer this time - like made of real leather. Not knowing anything about designer labels or their prices my first stop was the Louis Vuitton store (it's a store full of purses, right? I thought this would be easy). I should have suspected something when the prices where not displayed on a tag hanging from the strap of the purse. I found an almost perfect, small purse and was about to say I'll take it till I found out the price. IT was $1200.00 dollars!!!!! For a purse that wasn't even made from leather - are you kidding me????? I nearly choked. I handed it back to sales lady, thanked her for her help and left the store. Do they not realize what my purse goes through? It gets dropped, stepped on, spilled on, thrown and often a laptop set on top of it. I can't do that to a $1200.00 dollar purse.

I ended up at the sales table in Nordstrom and came away with a perfectly good purse for not too much money. I came home, looked at my husband and said "Do you want to see what you bought me for Mother's day?"

Friday, May 7, 2010

May is Zombie Awareness Month

Hi! I know it has been a very long time since my last post. Um - I've been busy?? Is that an acceptable excuse? Maybe not, but I've decided to try to post semi -regularly again or at least as often as funny or interesting things happen at our house.

I just wanted to let everyone know that May is Zombie Awareness month. If you need help preparing for this crisis I highly recommend reading "The Zombie Survival Guide." People around me find my Zombie obsession a bit disturbing, but as I've explained in previous posts I started my post-apocalyptic survival survival planning when I was about 15 or 16 after reading Steven King's "The Stand." I don't know why it stuck with me, but it did and it became a funny hobby of mine when I need to get my mind off the real world.

Now, before you all start getting worried about me, I have not built a bunker in the back yard, built walls around my house or stocked up on MREs. This plan is all just in my head and really just a running joke, but if the dead do start walking the earth - I have a plan.