Friday, May 7, 2010

May is Zombie Awareness Month

Hi! I know it has been a very long time since my last post. Um - I've been busy?? Is that an acceptable excuse? Maybe not, but I've decided to try to post semi -regularly again or at least as often as funny or interesting things happen at our house.

I just wanted to let everyone know that May is Zombie Awareness month. If you need help preparing for this crisis I highly recommend reading "The Zombie Survival Guide." People around me find my Zombie obsession a bit disturbing, but as I've explained in previous posts I started my post-apocalyptic survival survival planning when I was about 15 or 16 after reading Steven King's "The Stand." I don't know why it stuck with me, but it did and it became a funny hobby of mine when I need to get my mind off the real world.

Now, before you all start getting worried about me, I have not built a bunker in the back yard, built walls around my house or stocked up on MREs. This plan is all just in my head and really just a running joke, but if the dead do start walking the earth - I have a plan.

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