Friday, January 4, 2008

I now have proof I am not along in my Craziness!!!

I have discovered a book that proves I am not the only crazy person who thinks about how they would survive in a post-apocalyptic world. YAY!!!!!! First for those who don’t know me you need to understand I am a huge geek - I mean huge. This means I love most any form of science fiction and horror stories. The scarier (but not necessarily gory) the better.

I think it all started with watching Friday Fright Night with my Dad when I was about 7 years old. This was a local TV program that would run old Werewolf, Dracula and The Green Slime type movies all night long on Friday nights. The trick was staying awake to see them all. I admit I watched a lot of them with one eye peaking out of the blanket pulled over my head but I loved them. Loved them!

Anyway, I was in the book store just before Christmas picking up books for my kids (more proof of my geekiness – I always give my kids at least one or two books for Christmas) when I spotted “How to Survive a Zombie Attack” by Max Brooks. Oh, My, GawD!!! I thought I was the only person who watched/read these sort of movies and thought about how they would survive them. I am not alone in my craziness!!!!! Not only that but someone has actually written a book about it. More information for my plan!

I’ve done this sort of planning since I was a teenager and read “The Stand” by Steven King. Come on think about. Most of the world has been wiped out by some sort flu like pandemic and you have survived but have started having these crazy dreams about some old lady out west telling you to come join her. Would you go?

Admit it, you’re thinking about it.

My husband makes fun of me because after watching “28 Weeks Later” I started a very serious conversation about how I would get our entire family out of the city and escape on a boat. Preferably a sail boat, so we didn’t have to worry about gas. And we’d have time to stock it with supplies. (Note that this is what the survivors did in new version of “Dawn of the Dead” although they didn’t have time to stock supplies. I thought it was brilliant). I also threw in how I would never be one of the first people to repopulate a city like the people in “28 Weeks Later”. I’d give a couple of years before I took up residence. I went on and on about how we’d survive and he just sat there saying “uh-huh” and shaking his head at me. Although, the other day, he did comment that he is comforted to know that when the dead start walking the earth I have a plan.

Now to come up with a plan to escape the T-virus from “Resident Evil” before we all mutate.

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