Sunday, December 30, 2007

Guarding Her stuff

Christmas is over and New Years is coming. We have survived the chaos (mostly). Other than battling a second round of colds and fevers we’re in good shape.

My children have been out of school for over a week and are starting to work each other’s last good nerve. Precious is used to having the house to herself during the day so not having the older kids leave has totally thrown off her routine. She has taken to announcing that everything in the house is hers and is running from toy to toy guarding it as only a 3 year old can – by screaming at the top of her lungs. The biggest thing she has taken to protecting is the computer. She discovered a couple of weeks before Christmas and loves it. She normally would get her time during the day but this week has had to wait her turn. This has been misery for her. It has hit the point that she refuses to leave the computer even to eat once her turn has started because she is afraid someone will take the computer while she’s away. At this very moment she is asleep in the chair in front of the computer. Yes, curled up in the big office chair asleep.

We’ve tried unsuccessfully to move her 3 times now and each time has resulted in her waking up and throwing a fit. I even tried just rolling the chair away from the computer but that woke her up crying as well. She definitely gets the concept of squatter’s rights and is guarding her territory – even while sleeping.

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