Sunday, December 2, 2007

Like my new haircut?

It is never a good sign when the 3 year old comes upstairs and says "Mommy, how do you like my new haircut?" Now she's the fifth child, so I know hair will grow back and honestly looking at her I can't tell she's cut her hair. She has so much that it really doesn't look any different. But I know the older children are downstairs cutting paper to decorate for Christmas and don't doubt that Precious has cut her hair. It's my own fault, I have had my nose in my laptop working most of the weekend. We are having some production issues with the new system at work so I've spent very little time really paying attention to the children all weekend. I just set them up on a project and do a walkthrough every so often to make sure no one is too out of hand. There are lots of messes being made in the family room at the moment. Princess and the Imp are in the process of building forts all around the room, which consist of every toy and chair we own being used to build a miniature version of the wall of China in our family room. This will also include every sheets out of the laundry strung from the sofas to the top of the tallest nearby toy or chair. It makes me wonder why I've bothered to wash the sheet because you just know that someone is going spill something any minute. Son #1 and #2 are making snowflakes for the front, which do you think any of the paper cut outs from the snowflakes will be dropped in the trash can? Oh no, that's what Mom has a vacuum for. Now I also need to figure out where the pieces of cut hair are so I can get that all vacuumed up. It's always an exciting weekend at our house.

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