Sunday, January 27, 2008

What is that on your face?

OK, I officially feel old today.

I noticed what I thought was some dirt on Son #1’s face earlier today; however, when I tried to clean it off it wouldn’t come off. I had him move closer to the light. It was then I realized that the peach fuzz he’s always had on his face was getting darker. Son #1 has auburn colored hair on his head so I was not expecting dark hair on his face. It threw me at first.

I then look up at him and told him I think he is starting to get a mustache. He kind of giggled. I then asked the next question any mother would ask: “Do you have hair under your arms too?” He’s 12; I don’t go in the bathroom while he’s in there and he hasn’t run around the house without a shirt on since summer.

He kind of giggled and said: “Yes, want to see it?” I think he’s a little proud of it.

He them proceeded to lift up his shirt and show me that he has about 5 hairs under each arm.

I said, “Well, Congratulations, it looks like you are growing up on me.”

He than looked at me and with a very straight face said, “Mom, that’s not the only place I have hair.”

Me, not quite sure what to say next, “Well that’s good. You can show that hair to your father.”

He then asked about when I thought he’d need to start shaving. I told him not quite yet, but it might be a good time for Dad to start teaching him how to shave. He asked a couple more questions about his voice changing and when more changes will start. I explained I wasn't quite sure of the order of when things happen for boys, but I'd tell his Dad to come talk to him. I explainedthat he would know more of the specifics than I do.

Later that night I called my husband at work and explained that he needed to follow up on my conversation with our son. He said: “Congratulations, you officially have a child in puberty. There is a chilled bottle of wine in the fridge.”

I think I’ll just go to bed early tonight.

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